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Wednesday, March 18, 2009 ok time to break the long break from blogging. lets talk about melbourne first .lol shall beat luky to it. well first day was nothing dude. just went up the plane and watched movies for like 2 hours and slept. :D second day was tour around melbourne. during lunch the sec 4s got roared onthe streets for being late. had fish and chips that suck for lunch i gurantee MORE than 9 in 10(!!!) slept on the tour around melbourne on the bus. had pizza and spaghetti for dinner then slacked at the hostel surfing the net third day was some geog fieldtrips around melbourne. went to great ocean road to see the sea crashing onto the rocks. lolz.lunch was bloody ex fish and chips that are ok and ridiculously ex milk shakes that cost $5. then we went to the twelve apostles to take photos. and on the trip more than 8 in 10 were sleeping!had slim propaganda videos taken at twelve apostles and the shipwreck place. lol shall post them later. today was the start of the mugging period in which we had to mug like dicks. dinner was at hostel and was some kinda XL chicken wing that sucked fourth day was the first day with UniMelb . had some lecture about Indigenous Australia and i was struggling to stay awake man. bought an espresso of about 10ml (yes 10 ml)for $3.90. wat the? watching of movies about some Stolen Generation of Aborigines of Australia.and i forgot to bring charger and my laptop kinda KOed . lol with teh help of an EC3 dude, i turned off all dumb processes to save batt. lolz. lunch at unimelb was expensive. somekinda hotdog costs $4? and i saw a crumpler shop there :DDD but not the colors that mr xlb wants. at the hostel. dinner was i think vegetarian lasagna that sucked. during supposed mugging session, i played hearts for like 5 min. then some dude banged at the door and ce shun told him"calm down la!" and in bursted slim. wtf? and i got caught for playing. lucky he wasnt in a bad mood or else GG. that night zhewei, ceshun and gb went to buy a condm and lol was caught by xq and jiangshen loL! fifth day was about indigenous australia. was about brit and the union jack and whether it should be removed. had a flag workshop in which we designed new flags for aussies. our flag was kinda dicky but who cares and apparently we got H2A for that Lolcats had lunch at KFC!!!then at night as slim called out a meeting, slim found gordon to be missing and after liek 15 mins of search gordon appeared. slim roared at him and apparently he was screwed further by slim in his room. then jun hean and brion appeared in our room and played china socialist songs. memorised china national anthem by that night. then it was late night mugging for next day's test. sixth day was last day at melbourne uni. before that took tram to immigration museum and some kinda bridge that showcases immigrant arrivals. lol apparently i was too muggish and missed out on jun hean imitating as a dalian chinaman to talk to chinamans. GOU LI! then chiong backed to uni for lecture about multicultural aust. on the tram ride back, the display which would show time taken for tram to arrive showed 7 min. then after 7 min, it became NOW, then after another min, it became 7 again. WTF? then of course we were late for lecture duh. it was open book test after that. i swear that i screwed up this test, as i dunno whether my format right or wrong as the qn damn funny. meanwhile second qn i no time to write. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.then was farewell party. ok slim gay smile was captured live! seventh day was churchill island and phillip island. before that was shopping at queen victoria market. bought alot of thingys ranging from kangaroo toy, to fake baby milo t shirts, to chocolate fudges.then went on the trip. went to farms to see farm animals... then went to spot koalas on trees and snap them on photos. then had fish and chips AGAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN for dinner. watched penguin parade which was supposed to be like thousands of penguins flocking up the beach but saw like 10 or 20 only instead. lol i had my own fun digging out a large hole on the beach which could allow me whole arm to disappear in. i swear i would have taken a photo if those buggers allowed me to. anyways those baby-size penguins were damn cute, walking funnily and some fell down flat on their faces, i mean beaks. some stared at the sky and some just lag diao there. last day was mad shopping mania. me xq yongda went to melbourne central to buy billabong thingys. i found out to my horror that i had only 68 dollar left. so i spent 45 on a quiksilver tshirt. and i regretted that 2 hours later, when i discovered a billabong shop in the Melbourne Airport itself which had some cool designs. and shit i only had 40 sing dollars....... on the whole it was rather interesting a sabbatical but sian still needa do a research paper for that ..... shall sign off with a few videos(2 to be exact). enjoy! |
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