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Chinese Cuisine and any other links for pages you frequent. The Storied History of the Boston Celtics
Owning and getting owned well my first post of 2009these few days have been... comp review jay chou album review Comp trainings zzz... the whole bncoc crap is overyesterday was l... its boxing day(no it is not a pun)however, there w... OUCH! comp training againthis time had a record-tieing 8... Take Out Boxes April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 |
Saturday, January 10, 2009 ok it sucks big time. i should have known it when i started the day with mild fever and then overslept the bus stop when i woke up seeing that the bus just passed nygh bus stop. maybe it was hinting i should not have come. well, first aid short case 2 first. damn ridiculous. i amazingly marched my team into the sea. lol. and we took so long to treat the casualties that i havent even final report i am called to summarise case. i felt that this was screwed but this amazingly was our highest score of 52. which i strongly disagree. then was foot drill. i felt that we did much better in foot drill than any other thing. several imba bangs and arm swings more coordinated than before. somehow still managed to get a 19 for it. wtf? they say they couldnt hear our bangs. maybe they need yi ren's video on his phone which could show that our bangs were like one third of my voice. how soft is that? sure there were several poor dressings but i dont think we deserved so low. anyway the boundary was cool. it required me to think wat to do especially at last for the kekenan belok part. then long case was the obviously screwed one. we got a record low 1 pt. well i dont really want to contend that but 1 seems a little too low? a bit on the niao side. then short case 1. timyu got stabbed by the gangsters too. which makes it 3 First aider 3 casualty. which all have bleeding and shock.and 1 slipped into cardiac arrest. so no choice i had to take timyu and bandage his incision . i felt this was better than SC2 as we finish within time and i could do final report, diagnose, and summarise. yet we somehow got lower than SC2. i wonder how did that happen. then was some rallying speech by ncos/ sirs. i hope my team is inspired enough to read FAM more. tired. did like 1000 wrods already for slimessay. suddenly need to add journal to cse portal by tmr . sucks... |
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