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NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS TIME!1) Manage my time better... today was p6 class outing. or rather not. cause on... shall blog about my holidays in hk.too lazy to blo... ok its time for a review on Adam Lambert's For You... KRIS ALLEN DEBUT ALBUM REVIEWok its time for a rev... a little update1) not bad. graduated through my se... a delayed post so as to include some things in the... time to start posting something.so today was teach... MOST ULTIMATE CONVO EVER Libo said:lol all yr stu... Take Out Boxes April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 |
Monday, July 27, 2009 MOST ULTIMATE CONVO EVER Libo said: lol all yr stuff copied from text book i mean the notes what u doing now bt 3H1 man utd is pwning liverpool in EPL and in pre-season lol said: chem Libo says: must print out? bt 3H1 man utd is pwning liverpool in EPL and in pre-season lol says: duh Libo says: oh btw chk thid out this http://www.comnet.com.sg/creative/konghwa/www/pdfs/2006/Parentlink%20Vol%202%20%202006.pdf serch for wang guanbo u get a surprise bt 3H1 man utd is pwning liverpool in EPL and in pre-season lol says: lkol 1st price U ARE LAME SERIOUSLY nth better to do? Libo says: yeah no chem homework bt 3H1 man utd is pwning liverpool in EPL and in pre-season lol says: L u still have HRP Libo says: lets niao him tmorrow bt 3H1 man utd is pwning liverpool in EPL and in pre-season lol says: instead of waiting for EC to own u own ehr tmr Libo says: ... nvm lets own him now i too free Libo was added to this conversation. Handwriting is no longer supported because not all participants can view handwritten messages. Handwritten messages will be sent as text. bt 3H1 man utd is pwning liverpool in EPL and in pre-season lol says: invite him here lol Libo says: eh guanbo oi bt 3H1 man utd is pwning liverpool in EPL and in pre-season lol says: lol Libo says: 冠博同学 Not all participants can view handwriting, so your messages will be sent as text Libo says: 哦你很不好啊 bt 3H1 man utd is pwning liverpool in EPL and in pre-season lol says: lol Libo says: oi guanbo serious guanbo? You have just sent a nudge. You may not send a nudge that often. You may not send a nudge that often. You may not send a nudge that often. You may not send a nudge that often. bt 3H1 man utd is pwning liverpool in EPL and in pre-season lol says: postpone it till tmr Libo says: ... bt 3H1 man utd is pwning liverpool in EPL and in pre-season lol says: wat u failed thats all do ur hrp stop slacking' Libo says: he daoing tmorrow is second round bt 3H1 man utd is pwning liverpool in EPL and in pre-season lol says: u still at proposal stage u know Libo says: GUANBO SCREWED U ANS bt 3H1 man utd is pwning liverpool in EPL and in pre-season lol says: ? Libo says: damn [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: wat? Libo says: finnaly w8 firstly [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: nice spelling Libo says: have u done chinese bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: LOL [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: cant log in dude bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: that wasnt the question Libo says: ok nvm u fail [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: wat is it Libo says: secondly bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: that wasnt the whole point of wasting time ehre Libo says: i know why yr chinese so imba [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: wat bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: not good answer not linked to question question is WHY Libo says: w8 bt whats the link i gav u bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: and u answered wat Libo says: i forgot [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: he didnt ask a question he said "i know why yr chinese so imba" bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: lol [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: which is a statement chinese portal still fails Libo says: u shld ask why? bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: u mean this: http://www.comnet.com.sg/creative/konghwa/www/pdfs/2006/Parentlink Vol 2 2006.pdf [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: ok watever bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: oops Libo says: haha i know your secret [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: cut the bullshit Libo says: foolish mortal [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: wtf? when did u learn that from loo zhen wei bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: wat [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: nvm okok watever shit can cut the bullshit and tell me why two of u invite me here bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: dude so hurry up la noob LOL Libo says: East Zone Chinese Choral Story Telling Competition Five of our students (WANG GUANBO, Kong Yi Qiao and Chew Qian Hui from P6/1, Luo Hui Ru from P6/3, and Hannan Chua from P5/1) clinched the first prize in the East Zone Chinese Choral Story Telling competition held on 17 March. bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: http://www.comnet.com.sg/creative/konghwa/www/pdfs/2006/Parentlink%20Vol%202%20%202006.pdf cool [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: wtf?! Libo says: see so cool bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: lolz [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: u mean jie xun? Libo says: guanbo so pro [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: watever bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: LOL LAME SEE [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: more pro than the bear Libo says: siao leh first sia FIRST w8 in what lest see hmm bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: specially BLOCK letters Libo says: CORAL TELLING COMP [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: eh if nothing to say i zao liao this is shit man bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: BLOCK LETTERS Libo says: w8 what coral bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: lam,e its choral Libo says: choral bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: means actually there is no such word [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: i dont do choral it means singing dude Libo says: take out the c and h bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: google define: failed Libo says: thats what u do bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: LOL Libo says: ok nvm bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: bye noob u need to do ur CPK PROPOSAl [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: eh tards can tell me why am i invited here bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: i need to do my CPK [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: other than telling me all these shit Libo says: w8 there is still one more bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: wat hurry up i need to do my CPK [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: libao will do his cpk proposal bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: after KONG and OOI conmbined to waste my 3 hrs [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: must highlight the word proposal Libo says: U Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan 5-School Combined Essay Writing Competition WANG GUANBO (P5/1) - Merit FTW BREAKING NEWS [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: screw that i got first in p6 but screwed up the p5 one bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: LOL Libo says: guanbo damn pro [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: more pro than the bear Libo says: we should make a banner or something with your smiling face and all these achievements [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: i think the bear should start working on his CPK proposal right now note the word "proposal" Libo says: and put IN CLASS bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: time to own Libao "Hi I am Xiong Libo, the researcher. I am from class 2A and my index number is thirty-two." quote from somewhere RESEARCHER Libo says: damn bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: who is slackingin CPK [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: proposal remember to highlight that shit lar chinese portal is fail Libo says: 。。 cool srsly guanbo why like everything hav link to you [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: libao doing his cpk proposal has no link to me Libo says: gt link look a picture of u when young http://www.mdjjbxx.cn/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=13394 must read the words [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: wtf? Libo says: see [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: thats not me tard bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: HAHA Libo says: it is bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: LOL Libo says: dont fool around [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: dont be tard bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: MOST IMBA go google translate type 熊力搏 [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: i not from some tard school Libo says: see 中队长somemmore bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: translate english [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: wtf thats not me lar Libo says: too pro [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: i didnt attend p6 in china bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: seriously [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: dude bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: go google translate type his xlb chinese name' Libo says: oh mayb not 王冠博,12岁,是家长的好孩子,是老师的小助手,受父母影响,他对各类学习有着深厚的兴趣,他不但语文,数学成绩棒,他的英语成绩也相当出色 bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: english translatation OWNS Libo says: see yr english fail [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: can u look at the school name Libo says: yeah? [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: some school in some werid city i not from that city dude Libo says: i know whr u live... beware bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: DUDE [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: 牡丹江市 Libo says: i have yr number also bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: GO GOOGLE TRANSLATE SEE [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: i not from this city dude Libo says: 6428538 wtf? less 1 digit bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: nvm i shall reveal Libo says: u scam them bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: anyone cares to guess what google translate translate ur chinese name into english as? Libo says: very not good no [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: wtf this is total bullshit Libo says: just reveal bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: BEAR POWER STROKE Libo says: damn funny bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: LOL Libo says: seriously bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: SERIOUSLY damn funn Libo says: serious bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: bear power stroke seriously Libo says: http://www.mdjjbxx.cn/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=13394 read this bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: i saw Libo says: no u must read bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: but ur name more own [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: can dont be a tard Libo says: while looking at his face [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: thats not me dude can u see the city name i from beijing come on Libo says: u lah [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: wtf?! so random find some retard face from the internet and say its me bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: LOL i seriously believe this convo deserves to be posted online [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: dont be a tard Libo says: 在城市举办的少年儿童朗读大赛中获得一等奖 = you [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: wtf?! Libo says: we proved it just now see it matches! 3rd line for your info [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: oh my this is getting too bullshit Libo says: its you lol what a tard face [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: 一、对熊市认识不足,与恶熊力搏造成巨亏。 牛市熊市是股市运行的基本趋势和方向。 look at this see something bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: 一、对熊市认识不足,与恶熊力搏造成巨亏。 牛市熊市是股市运行的基本趋势和方向。分不清牛熊而炒股票,就象开车上了高速路却发现去向未知,结果可想而知。在错误的方向上狂奔,只能是越错越离谱。 i saw just nice LOL Libo says: . [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: so we should fight with the evil bear libao bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: HAHAAHASHASGHdk i own both ur balls my name very clean [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: not me bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: only hci website and some china Libo says: u sure very clean? bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: ya Libo says: wan chanllenge ah bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: and some screwed up china school [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: saw something 滴| 笨头爱笨鸟(bentouaibenniao) see it Libo says: LOLLLLLLLLLL bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: anyway [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: ben toh loves the stupid bird bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: LOL look at this 103优秀作业名单: 语文:陈忆云 崔璐宁 张莉 吴朝霖 朱宁燕 数学:卓俊晖 崔璐宁 陈立冰 邓通 龚立昊 英语:张莉 陈立冰 胡海威 卓俊晖 汪佩薇 this is china school honour roll WOW exempted math and english Libo says: i thought u fail math read propally properlly bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: fail Libo says: properly [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: libao fails his spelling bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: 3 times then right Libo says: but srsly bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: seriously both of him fail i mean Libo says: the 滴| 笨头爱笨鸟(bentouaibenniao)damn own bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: both of you Libo says: nice one guanbo bt 3H1 lg a+ lg b=2 says: Z>Z>Z>Z> [i]~*Scharnhorst*~[/i] says: i conclude that the chinese portal is the ultimate failure interesting yu zhou zi own convo yz: eh bt bt 3H1 wat yz:u do math alr? bt still doing yz lol ok bt do alr can pleaaaaaaaase send me? yz watever bt k Thx i love u dude yz i got loads of chi homework lol bt who ask u go lan yz zz yz do i look like i went... yz eh btw yz can send me the link to the page? bt wat page yz the wetpaint yz eh bt btw u Typing out ur working right? yz eh bt yz u Typing out? bt duh yz k yz goog yz NAISE yz BEN TOH U ARE JUST TOO GREAT MAN bt sends C:\Users\USER\Contacts\Documents\My Received Files\linear law quiz1 bentoh.doc bt er last question i dunno bt Transfer of "linear law quiz1 bentoh.doc" is complete. yz as in all parts? bt last question yz first part i know bt LAME bt i dunno last question last part bt dun copy exactly bt at least change the brackets yz k yz i won't bt cause i copied qn 2 and 3 from nick chuan yz brackedts? yz how to change brackets? bt and reordered statements bt LAME bt spacing yz dude yz u just did ur 5 part 1 wrongly yz eh sorry yz its correct bt DIAO bt noob yz eh i thought yz u found the area of AECBD alr? yz Wat talking u bt BUT THE ANSWER IS WRONG Yuzzzzzzzzz says: how u know the answer? bt it is at the bottom Yz OH FUCK bt U GOT OWNED AGAIN? Yz guess so Sunday, July 19, 2009 lol dudes help me do survey please http://www.tigersurvey.com/survey.php?survey=11598 thanks ;) Thursday, July 2, 2009 cool story: 话说远古时期,那布国有一名姓熊的大将,带兵抵御敌国的进攻。熊将军的自制力很差,与将士们约法三章,自己却常常违反军规。将军都不能以身作则,士兵们的纪律就更可想而知了。熊将军对将士们也不能做到一视同仁,经常偏袒自己的亲信,采取只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯的政策。对与下属的抱怨,他还经常装聋作哑,军队中的不满情绪与日俱增。有一天,他把他的谋士们召集起来,一起商量打败敌国的对策。熊将军对谋士们说:“现在我军士气蒸蒸日上,正是出击的好时机。我计划明天全线进攻,消灭所有敌人。”谋士们纷纷反对,认为以他们的实力,这根本就是以卵击石。于是熊将军改主意说:“那这样吧。我们改与对方谈判,让他们退出我国领土,改而攻打恩多国。我们就可以作壁上观,收取渔人之利了,你们看怎么样?”谋士们听到这与虎谋皮的策略,都笑话熊将军只会纸上谈兵,不懂得切合实际。面对这样的真知灼见,熊将军却被惹恼了。他一意孤行,不顾反对,坚持第二天出击。谋士们见他如此执迷不悟,也都不愿意自投罗网,当天晚上就逃得精光。结果,第二天熊将军果然大败而归,兵马损失大半,还差点连性命也丢了。 lol comments |